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So I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to talk about myself. And pretend that you’re incredibly interested.

Well, maybe you are. I mean, you’re here, right? Or you’re incredibly bored. Or your morbid curiosity got the best of you. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I should fill this space with something.

The bulk of my life has been consumed by three creative pursuits. Drawing, photography, and writing.

I had aspirations of being the next great comic book artist for awhile. I’m actually really decent at that style of illustration. What I’m not so decent at is being speedy enough to be viable. I tend to take my time with my drawings. Probably I could have learned to get faster, but there was also the pesky problem that I really loved drawing the people, but not so much all of the background stuff.

But I did still manage to make a career out of art. I went to college for graphic design and I have spent most of my professional life drawing for pay. Take THAT, math teachers.

My second love, photography, took a back seat for most of my life for the simple reason that I never had the room, nor money, to spend on all of the dark room equipment.

Things changed when digital photography came around.  I bought a digital SLR and a new obsession was born.

I also managed to turn that into a career doing wedding photography.  It’s like flipping my math teacher a double bird.

So now here I am trying to do something with my writing. If I can manage to make something of it, it’ll be the ultimate trifecta against years of being told that my daydreaming would get me nowhere in life.

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